Science & Conservation Accounts

Jewish-Muslim project Bees for Peace was tested by fire when HAMAS attacked on October 7.

Participatory Science with Journey North

It was a crisp morning following a cold night in Goleta’s Coronado Monarch Butterfly Preserve. As an 8th grade homeschool class crossed a beam that had been dropped across a swampy area, one student looked up at the Eucalyptus grove and—with one part expectation and one part disappointment—quietly sighed, “Where are the butterflies?”

By the age of six, John Pickering had built an insect zoo for wooly bears and ballbugs. A few years later he had been converted to the collectors’ “culture of death” — catch it, kill it, pin it, put it in a museum. Before long he was running Malaise insect traps from Canada to Panama, which is an efficient way of filling collection cabinets and freezers full of dead insects.

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