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The Geotravel Journal is working toward a subscription model that is low on marketing and high on visual-based storytelling. The goal is to offer each subscriber an opportunity to become part of a micro-brand they are proud of — kind of like your favorite coffee shop, brewery or national park. You wear their T-shirt or cap with pride.

We yoked the word “journal” to our brand for two reasons. The first was to reference the old school practice of collecting artifacts, notes and sketches while on an expedition. The second is because we hope to produce a print publication. The vision is that we would be able to publish one for Year 1, and two in Year 2, followed by consideration of publishing an annual coffee-table-style high-end book every year. Think sumptuous…

Stay tuned as we build out our subscription model because we are planning to add a few more bespoke elements beyond the more regular swag to our package.

For now, please subscribe to the monthly GTJ newsletter below. 

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This will — said in true marketing style — keep you updated on developments on our subscription model, and potential travel journalism internships and fellowships. You will also receive the Editor’s Selection of carefully curated citizen science news and conservation stories from around the globe. 

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